1. Which is true - creation or evolution?
A. Is the whole Bible true - including what it says about creation?
B. Is the world:
6,000 years old - as the Bible says?
Billions of years old - as the: media, schools, museums etc. tell us?
C. Where did we come from:
Did God create us?
Did we evolve from apes?
2. Creation / evolution is a vital issue
A. For believers
Should we doubt the accuracy of the Bible?
It was written a long time ago - does it have mistakes?
If we don’t believe the WHOLE Bible - we need to decide WHICH PARTS to believe, for example:
Did Jesus really die on the cross?
Do heaven & hell really exist?
Revelation 22:18-19
18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,
and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
--> There are SEVERE CONSEQUENCES for anyone who:
adds to
... the truths in God's Word!
Further reading
Deuteronomy 4:2
B. For unbelievers
If evolution is true - then the Bible must be false.
So belief in the theory of evolution hinders people from believing in God.
The theory of evolution is part of the devil’s propaganda.
He pays his servants well to promote it, but they’ll literally have 'hell to pay’ when they face Judgement Day on their own.
3. Jesus, John & Paul all believed in creation
Mark 10:6 ~ But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
If Jesus quoted from Genesis 1:27 & 5:1-2 - who are we to doubt it?
Jesus also said that God made people when He made the universe - so there was not a 'long gap when the earth was uninhabited’.
Further reading - Jesus
Mark 13:19
John 1:3 ~ All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.
--> John said that God made absolutely EVERYTHING.
Further reading - John
John 1:10
Revelation 4:11, 10:6, 14:6-7
(John wrote the book of Revelation - Revelation 1:1)
Colossians 1:16 ~ For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,
whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him.
--> God created everything for Himself.
--> So we don’t exist because of chance: we’re here because GOD WANTS US to be here.
Further reading - Paul
Acts 14:14-15, 17:24
Paul wrote the books below:
Romans 1:20
1 Corinthians 8:6
Ephesians 3:9
Colossians 3:10
Q: If we don’t believe what Jesus, John & Paul said about creation - why should we believe anything else which they said?
4. Creation is a major theme in the Bible
Read / sample a few of these verses:
Genesis chapters 1 and 2; 5:1-2, 6:7, 7:4
Exodus 20:11
Deuteronomy 4:32, 32:6 & 18
2 Kings 19:15
1 Chronicles 16:26
2 Chronicles 2:12
Nehemiah 9:6
Job 9:8-9, 10:8-12, 14:15, 26:7, 31:15
Job 32:22, 33:4, 34:19, 35:10-11, 38:4
Psalms 8:6, 33:6, 89:11-12, 90:2, 95:5-6, 96:5
Psalms100:3, 102:25-26, 104:1-24, 115:15, 119:90
Psalms 121:2, 124:8, 134:3, 136:5-9, 146:5-6, 148:1-5
Proverbs 3:19-20, 8:26-29, 16:4, 22:2
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Isaiah 27:11, 37:16, 40:26 & 28, 42:5, 43:1 & 7
Isaiah 44:24, 45:12, 48:13, 51:13, 54:5, 64:8, 66:1-2
Jeremiah 10:12-13 & 16, 27:5, 32:17, 51:15-16
Hosea 8:14
Amos 4:13, 5:8
Jonah 1:9
Zechariah 12:1
Malachi 2:10
Acts 4:24, 7:49-50
Hebrews 1:2 & 10, 3:4, 11:3
5. In the past 200 years - the Biblical account of creation has been challenged
But God warned us this would happen - in 2 Timothy chapter 3
Verse 1
1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
Verse 5
5(Men) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
In these last days before Jesus returns to the earth, many people have adopted an anti-God ideology - of denying that God exists / that He has the power to create:
The earth.
Everything living on the earth.
Further reading
'Return of Jesus to the Earth' message on
6. God created the universe
Psalm 19:1 ~ The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament (= expanse) sheweth His handywork.
Q - Why is the universe so immensely vast & beautiful ?
A - To SHOW US how glorious God is!
--> It’s great to look up at the stars and remind ourselves how awesome He is.
Astronomers miss the whole purpose of the universe, when they spend a lot of time & money trying to analyse the stars & galaxies.
It’s like viewing a great painting: but analysing the chemical make-up of the paint - instead of admiring the artist’s skill!
Further reading
Psalm 8:3-4, 97:6
1 Corinthians 15:40-41
7. How did God create the universe?
It’s like a fly trapped in a car:
The fly has no idea how the car was made - that's way beyond its understanding.
The fly’s just there for the ride.
God created the universe, the earth and us:
We don’t know how - that's way beyond our understanding (and always will be).
We just need to go along with God’s plan for our life!
8. There are two types of science
A. Observational science
This works by observing the results of an experiment - then repeating it many times, to check that the conclusions are correct:
We all rely on observational science for: transport, power, medicine etc.
There’s absolutely no conflict between observational science and the Bible.
(See the later section on 'Most fields of Science were founded by Christians').
B. Theoretical science
The following are just speculative theories:
The universe was created in a big bang.
The earth is billions of years old.
All life evolved.
These theories are often talked about as if they’re true / proven - but they’re NOT!
No-one was there to observe what actually happened.
The theory of evolution ONLY survives because UNBELIEVERS NEED IT - to bolster their unbelief in God.
Ask anyone to prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution is true - no-one ever has.
‘Science’ comes from the Latin word ‘Scientia’ which means ‘knowledge’ - not ‘speculation’!
So no-one should claim that an UNOBSERVED phenomenon is a scientific fact.
The rest of this message will explain:
The major problems with these three speculative, science fiction theories (big bang, old earth, evolution).
Why creation is a MUCH BETTER explanation of what happened.
9. Q - Did the universe start with a big bang?
A - No!
Three reasons why not:
#1 What existed BEFORE the big bang?
A. Where did the material come from, which supposedly blew up?
B. What caused it to blow up?
No-one can answer even these two basic questions!
#2 An explosion always DESTROYS things and leaves a mess
An explosion never creates something better / more structured than its predecessor.
Believing that a big bang created the universe is like watching the:
Twin Towers blow up on 9/11
Missile & bomb attacks in war zones
... and expecting the explosions to create a perfectly-working office block / block of flats in their place - it just doesn’t happen!
#3 It defies the known laws of physics
3a. Cold dark matter
Why did the particles clump together into stars & planets, rather than be blown further apart?
Expanding clouds of gas do not spontaneously reverse their expansion!
Why didn’t the sub-atomic particles 'created in a big bang' (= science fiction) continue to separate from one another - instead of joining together to form atoms such as hydrogen & helium?
For the big bang theory to be true - the universe needs a lot more material than we know exists, to provide the necessary gravitational pull to explain what we see:
So those who believe in the big bang theory made up such a material and called it ‘cold dark matter’.
This ‘cold dark matter’ has NEVER been detected - because it's science fiction!
3b. Dark energy
The universe is expanding faster than it should do after a big bang (according to Einstein’s theory of relativity).
So those who believe in the big bang made up ‘dark energy’ to explain it.
This ‘dark energy’ has NEVER been detected - because it's science fiction!
3c. Credibility gap
‘Dark energy’ & ‘cold dark matter’ are supposed to make up 96% of the universe's total mass / energy.
But they’ve never been detected - they're called 'dark' because they're unseen!
Some people can’t stand the idea of God, so they devise these ridiculous science fiction theories.
That’s not proper science - it’s just their wishful thinking!
The UK's Guardian newspaper summed it up:
“Scientists talk cheerfully and with immense confidence about the first few thousandths of a second of time - but secretly most people believe they’re making it up as they go along.”
10. The earth is just right for man
For food - there’s: soil, plants & animals.
There’s just the right amount of oxygen to:
Sustain stable fire (needed for many industrial & domestic processes).
To build with: there’s a wide selection of metals & types of wood - of the required hardness & properties.
The temperature range is ideal for mankind - try living on Mars or Venus, without advanced equipment!
The earth is the ideal distance from the sun - if it was:
1% further from the sun --> the oceans would be covered with ice.
5% closer to the sun --> the oceans would boil away.
Gravity is just the right strength:
If it was stronger --> the higher atmospheric pressure would make life on earth impossible.
If it was weaker --> our atmosphere would fly off into space, and we’d have nothing to breathe!
The earth's atmosphere is just right - it:
Absorbs the harmful electro-magnetic rays emitted by the sun.
Lets through the useful frequencies:
Visible light.
Radio waves (allowing the satellites - which we now depend on - to work).
Stores water vapour - which:
Keeps the earth at just the right temperature.
Transports fresh water from the salty oceans, back to the land where it's needed - depositing it as: rain, snow & dew.
The temperature & atmosphere of the earth are stabilised by living organisms which absorb carbon dioxide:
Q - So which came first: the ideal temperature & atmosphere or the plant & animal life?
A - God created them all at the same time.
11. Our moon is just right
The moon’s orbit stabilises the earth's tilt - at 23.5 degrees.
This tilt gives us the regular seasons we need - to produce the required quantity & variety of food for the world's population.
The moon is just right for tides:
If the moon was closer - the sea would wash over huge expanses of land twice-per-day, in massive tidal waves.
If the moon was further away - there would be much smaller tides, so many coastal waters would be stagnant,
and the extensive marine life which depends on the daily tidal cycle couldn't exist.
The moon’s surface is exactly what's needed to reflect sunlight - so that people throughout history could easily use the phase of the moon as a: highly visible, worldwide, monthly calendar.
Psalm 104:19 ~ He appointed the moon for seasons ...
Q - Why do we sometimes have TOTAL lunar & solar ECLIPSES?
A - Because the earth, sun & moon are exactly the right:
Distance from each other
… to make this possible.
The probability of this happening by chance is infinitesimally small!
There is no credible, secular explanation of how the moon was formed & positioned in exactly the right place & orbit.
Only God could have done that!
12. Q - So what do the earth & moon tell us?
A - God created them to give US perfect conditions:
Isaiah 45:18 ~ For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it;
He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.
Psalm 115:16 ~ The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath He given to the children of men.
13. How old is the earth?
The Bible says 6,000 years old.
TV programmes, museums, schools & universities say 15 billion years old - with life starting 4.6 billion years ago.
But no-one saw what happened.
So SPECULATING that the earth is 15 billion years old is just a THEORY.
Q: What are the dangerous consequences of believing that the earth is 15 billion years old?
Unbelievers think that this world is ‘permanent’.
So they mistakenly don't believe in / fear:
a. The forthcoming return of Jesus.
b. What will then happen to the earth & to them on Judgement Day.
Further reading
‘Return of Jesus to the Earth’ message on
2 Peter 3:8-13 then Matthew 16:27 to 17:1-2 (six thousand years / six days)
Revelation 1:7-8
Fear of the consequences of any climate change:
is a tiny sideshow
but a major distraction
… from what we all need to do - to prepare ourselves for Judgement Day.
It’s like worrying about a small patch of rust on a car, when you’re about to have a disastrous crash!
14. Why do some people say that the earth is fifteen billion years old?
Because they think that:
A. The landscape was built up gradually.
B. Radiometric dating gives accurate results.
C. That all life evolved - and this would need a very long time.
(Darwin himself said that if the earth was not millions of years old - there would not be enough time for evolution to have taken place.)
No-one was there to see what happened.
Let's examine each of these theories - A, B & C - in more detail.
15. How much time was needed to form the earth's landscape?
Rock layers
Schools & universities teach that the landscape was built up slowly:
One layer per year.
A thickness of one foot / 30 cm per thousand years.
Most people NEVER THINK TO QUESTION this teaching, nor to STUDY the evidence / lack of.
Q: Who started this speculative theory that the landscape was built up slowly?
A: Charles Lyell - a close friend of Charles Darwin - in the early 19th century.
Fossil evidence
How can a dead animal be covered with sediment at the presumed rate of one foot / 30 cm per 1,000 years?
How many 1,000 year old dead animals have you seen, waiting to be covered up?
It just doesn’t happen - other animals, birds & insects dispose of a dead creature in JUST A FEW WEEKS.
Fossilised trees
Coal miners & others have found large numbers of tall, vertical fossilised trees, standing in many thin horizontal sediment layers.
But when a tree dies - it falls / is blown over, then lies horizontal and decays to nothing in just a few years.
The only explanation is that the horizontal sediment layers must have been laid down QUICKLY - fossilising the tree while it was still vertical.
How are layers of sediment ACTUALLY laid down?
In the 1980’s, secular scientists in Marseilles experimented using a sediment tank.
They found that a water-current simultaneously lays down multiple sediment layers: sideways.
The layers are not laid down one at a time, on top of the preceding layer (which was Lyell's theory).
These results were then verified by other secular scientists in Colorado, using their own huge sediment tank.
So theoretical science got it wrong - observational science shows what ACTUALLY happens.
If experimental sediment tanks had been available in the 19th century - Lyell’s & Darwin’s theories would never have got started!
So it does NOT take a long time to deposit multiple layers of sedimentary rock.
It just needs a fast-flowing water-current: exactly the conditions during a worldwide, catastrophic flood.
Dating fossils and sediment layers
Fossils are dated by their position in the sediment layers.
But sediment layers are dated by the fossils found in them!
This is like saying:
Someone was born the same year their home was built.
And their home was built the same year they were born.
Q - With just this information:
How old are they?
How old is their home?
A - Your guess is as good as mine!
So using fossils and rock layers to date each other is ridiculous!
Naming rock layers
Cambrian, Jurassic, Devonian & Carboniferous did not originally mean the age of the rock - but where they were first studied:
Cambrian - in Wales.
Jurassic - in the Jura region of Germany.
Devonian - in Devon ( UK).
... or what they contained:
Carboniferous - contains carbon e.g. coal.
Cretaceous - chalky.
Only later, did people promoting the old-earth theory change this ‘location’ & 'content' naming convention to mean: ‘time periods measured in millions of years’.
The only place where you can view the whole 'Geologic Column' is in a text-book or museum - it's never been found anywhere on Earth!
The fossil evidence DISPROVES the supposed evolutionary sequence - for example:
Devonian rocks contain fossils of four-footed animals - but four-legged creatures are not supposed to have evolved by ‘the Devonian period’.
Triassic (= three-parted) rocks contain fossilised bird footprints - but birds are not supposed to have evolved by ‘the Triassic period’.
Volcanic rock
In 1963-67 a new volcanic island - Surtsey - formed off Iceland:
Beaches, pebbles & sand quickly developed.
Surtsey now has lots of vegetation & wildlife.
Mount St Helens, Washington State, USA:
In 1980 there was a volcanic eruption.
Multiple rock layers - 25 feet deep - were laid down in less than one day.
Theoretical science said these changes should take millions of years.
Observational science PROVED that it only takes a few days / months / years.
Q - So does the earth need to be billions of years old to form our landscape?
A - No!
It just needs processes WORKING FASTER than we USUALLY see today.
Which is EXACTLY what happened during the worldwide flood (see later section), and the ice age which followed.
16. Radiometric dating
Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years (so cannot be used to date materials older than 50-60,000 years) - but it’s found in:
Unfossilised dinosaur bones. So dinosaurs must have been alive only thousands - not millions - of years ago.
(Some dinosaur bones also contain: ligaments, nerves, red blood cells, proteins & DNA - all of which decay rapidly outside of living cells.)
Coal & diamonds: so these must have been formed only thousands - not millions - of years ago.
Snails which had just died were carbon-dated - that technique gave the completely false age of 27,000 years!
Radiometric dating techniques have NEVER been successfully validated against rocks of a KNOWN AGE.
The Kaupelehu volcano in Hawaii produced lava flows in 1800-01:
So the rock was known to be only a couple of hundred years old.
Samples of these rocks were radiometrically dated, giving ages of: 140 million - 2.9 billion years!
22 volcanic rocks from different parts of the world were also radiometrically dated:
The radiometric dating gave results of 100 million - 10,000 million years.
But those rocks were observed to have formed in the past 200 years!
Why is radiometric dating SO INACCURATE?
To calculate a date, the proportions of radioactive isotopes are compared.
But radiometric dating needs to make many assumptions.
(e.g. Carbon-14 dating makes six assumptions).
If JUST ONE assumption is false - the calculated date will be completely false.
Potassium-argon dating:
Potassium isotopes are soluble in water - so a global flood would have leached out the elements being measured --> giving a false date.
Argon migrates through rocks --> again giving a false date.
Two of the assumptions for Carbon-14 dating assume there have been:
No changes in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
But there’s a lot of concern now, because the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere IS CHANGING!
No variations in the cosmic radiation reaching the earth.
But this is affected by the earth’s magnetic field, which is DECREASING in strength: see next section for more detail.
17. The earth's magnetic field
Has been accurately measured since 1835 (initially by Gauss).
Plotting these changes on a graph and extrapolating back shows that it loses half of its strength every 1,400 years.
The high strength of the magnetic field 10,000 years ago would have melted the earth - so the earth MUST be younger than that.
Impact on accuracy of Carbon-14 dating
The sun’s upper atmosphere (the 'corona’) releases charged particles (the 'solar wind’) into the solar system.
If unchecked - these charged particles would strip away the ozone layer, which protects the earth from harmful cosmic radiation.
However, the earth’s magnetic field protects the earth - by deflecting most of the solar wind.
Because the earth’s magnetic field is reducing in strength - it deflects less of the solar wind now, than in the past.
But Carbon-14 dating assumes that the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the earth has been unchanged.
Clearly this is a FALSE ASSUMPTION - which REDUCES THE ACCURACY of radiometric dating!
18. The oxygen level in the atmosphere has decreased
Today’s atmosphere has 21% oxygen.
But air bubbles trapped in amber* for thousands of years have 30-35% oxygen.
This much higher level of oxygen in the past was probably caused by increased worldwide photosynthesis - due to much lusher vegetation, covering a much larger land area - and would have allowed:
People to live longer (as listed in Genesis chapter 5) - in the same way that ill people today are put into tents with a high oxygen concentration, to speed-up their healing.
Dinosaurs & dragonflies to grow to the huge sizes found in their fossils.
* Amber is formed from fossilised tree resin.
19. What about Noah's flood?
A. Jesus said that it happened
Matthew 24:38-39
38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
B. Fossil evidence for a catastrophic flood
Dead plants & animals:
Are quickly picked apart by scavengers & micro-organisms.
Decay quickly.
e.g. Dead whales have been observed to disappear from the bottom of the ocean in just a few years; smaller creatures disappear in just a couple of months.
So to become a fossil - a land / sea plant or animal must be COMPLETELY COVERED by sediments:
If not - there’s nothing left to become a fossil!
Fossils can be created in a single day with the right sediment mix and pressure.
Many fossils have been found of: jellyfish, octopuses & butterfly-wings.
These creatures are soft / delicate - so would have decayed, unless they had been quickly covered with sediments.
Fossils have also been found of:
Large fish in the act of swallowing smaller fish.
An Ichthyosaur giving birth to her baby dinosaur.
These creatures MUST have been SUDDENLY buried alive in a catastrophe.
Scientists can create fossils in just a few hours in laboratory experiments - but ONLY if they’re subjected to HIGH PRESSURE:
If sediments were laid down gradually - as claimed by those who propose that the earth is billions of years old - the sediments would:
a. Support some of their own weight as they dry out and harden - this is well-known by Civil Engineers who specialise in soil mechanics.
b. Therefore not produce the high pressure needed to create fossils.
If sediments were laid down rapidly and were initially water-logged throughout their depth.
--> This would create the high pressure needed to form fossils.
C. Geomorphological evidence for a flood
Q - What do we SEE when we look at layers of sedimentary rock?
A1 - SMOOTH BOUNDARIES between the layers
But if the layers were laid down once per year - we’d expect to see gullies cut by rainwater in the top of each layer, before the next layer was laid down on top of it.
Q - Why don’t we see these erosion features?
A - Because the layers were all laid down at the same time, in the catastrophic flood (see Section 15 - Rock Layers).
A2 - Soft sediment DEFORMATION
There are many examples of sedimentary rock layers - bent together in curves, but which haven’t broken (these are not metamorphic rocks - which have been changed deep down by heat & pressure):
This can’t have happened if each layer was laid down, then hardened separately over hundreds of millions of years - and then bent.
If we try bending a rock layer - it snaps!
So the only explanation is that many layers were:
a. Laid down at the same time.
b. Then folded simultaneously while still soft.
i.e. In the immediate aftermath of a catastrophic flood.
Many valleys (those which show no evidence of being formed by glaciers) are far too big to be cut by the type of rivers flowing there today.
Q - So how were they formed?
A - By huge quantities of water draining away, as floodwaters drained into the newly-created, and rapidly-sinking deep ocean basins.
20. Noah's Ark
The ark was BIG (Genesis 6:15):
Half the length of the Titanic.
With a capacity of 15,000 tonnes - if built today, it could carry 100,000 sheep or 500 double-decker buses.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this large size - men built huge structures in the ancient Middle East.
e.g. We can still see today the giant Pyramids in Egypt and the massive Temple Mount in Jerusalem .
The ark was the IDEAL SHAPE for surviving bad weather:
437ft long x 73ft wide x 44ft high
133m long x 22m wide x 13m high
Isambard Kingdom Brunel used the same shape when he built the ocean-going SS Great Britain.
A. So the evidence suggests there was a catastrophic flood.
B. The ark was perfectly designed to safely house: Noah, his family & large numbers of living creatures through the flood.
21. How can evolution be true?
Q - If there was a £100m prize for the first person to create a life-sized, realistic fly:
With legs & wings.
Able to produce more flies.
Able to feed itself, to fly and to avoid being easily caught by people!
… could the most advanced laboratory in the world create one?
A - No.
Man has NEVER created:
Human life
Animal life
Plant life - not even a blade of living grass.
So if INTELLIGENT SCIENTISTS - in an advanced laboratory - CAN'T CREATE: plant / animal / human life.
HOW can they have happened BY CHANCE in THE WILD?
Think about it - it’s impossible!
22. Our bodies are full of incredibly complex information (in our brains, in our DNA etc.)
The human brain:
Is the most complex structure in the known universe.
Has an incredibly complex signalling & processing network - containing almost 1011 neurons, each of which is connected on average to 7,000 other neurons.
Stores data equivalent to 70 million man-made computer hard drives (each storing 20 terabytes)!
Is 3D - unlike man-made, silicon based computers, which are only 2D.
DNA is the densest form of information-storage known to man - much more efficient than any computer.
Human DNA has 3.4 billion base-pairs in precise sequences!
Information is not the same as - and must not be confused with - matter or energy.
Information can ONLY be created by INTELLIGENCE:
Software needs an intelligent designer & programmer.
A recipe needs an intelligent chef / cook.
A newspaper needs intelligent reporters & editors.
Q - So who created the intricate information in our bodies?
A - It had to be someone with intelligence, because information CANNOT form spontaneously from a non-living object:
That would be like waiting for the chair we're sitting on to create a crossword puzzle.
It just doesn’t happen.
23. Things have changed a lot since Darwin's time
Darwin lived in the 19th century:
Houses & streets were lit by gas.
No-one had flown in a powered aircraft.
People THOUGHT that cells were very simple.
But now we have electron-microscopes, which SHOW that cells are incredibly complex, molecular machines.
Darwin wrote:
“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down”.
But this is EXACTLY what HAS been found since then - by OBSERVATIONAL science experiments.
For example - the flagellum bacterium in cells:
Is like a tiny outboard motor with 40 different proteins.
These proteins must work together in a precise order - otherwise it’s like trying to start an engine with a missing part!
So the flagellum cannot have formed by chance - it needed intelligence to put it all together: in the right order, simultaneously.
The world and our knowledge of how it works have moved on.
But many people still cling to Darwin’s THEORY, despite the OBSERVATIONAL scientific evidence AGAINST it!
24. Life did not start by 'lightning hitting the primeval swamp'
This theory came from a 1953 experiment by two chemists (Urey & Miller).
All they did was create the two simplest (G & A), lifeless amino acids in carefully-controlled laboratory conditions.
This and subsequent experiments FAILED to create the VITAL components needed by ANY living cell:
30,000 different types, made from & defined by an intricate chain of 20 amino acids (not just the two simplest amino acids created in the experiment), folded into a complex three-dimensional shape.
Nucleic acids (DNA).
Which store the information telling the amino acids the precise sequence needed.
The probability of finding the correct protein sequence by chance has been estimated as 1 in 10164
To put that number into context - there are probably only about 1080 particles in the entire Universe!
25. Cells are incredibly complicated
Q - What happens if ALL the different parts are NOT there from the START?
A - The cell won’t work!
All cells need:
DNA to form proteins.
(The DNA stores information to make the proteins.)
Proteins to form DNA.
(Proteins are involved in duplicating the DNA.)
Q - So which came FIRST: the DNA or the Proteins?
A - They MUST have been created TOGETHER.
It’s like the old puzzle: ‘Which came first - the chicken or the egg?’
The theory of evolution can't even answer this simple 'chicken / egg' question!
The answer is - God created the chicken, with a ‘ready to go’ ability to make eggs.
26. Adaptation - Yes Evolution - No
Animals DO ADAPT to where they live - this capacity is BUILT INTO their DNA, and is easily observed.
For example:
Arctic foxes & polar bears - have white coats to hide them in snowy conditions.
Foxes & bears in warmer areas - have brown coats to hide them amongst trees & grassland.
But an Arctic fox / polar bear is the same kind of animal as a fox / bear in warmer areas.
This colour adaptation only uses information which is already in the foxes’ / bears' existing genes (= its genome).
NO NEW genetic information is needed.
Natural selection:
Is a 'culling' process, which uses existing genetic information to 'fine-tune' the local population.
Can only REMOVE individuals & their genes from a population (allowing other existing ones, favoured by local conditions, to takeover) - not add new ones.
In the Galapagos Islands, Darwin's followers correctly observed that finches have beaks which are adapted to suit their environment & food supply.
But they’re all still the same kind - finches!
The Darwinists then extended their argument TOO FAR - WITHOUT any OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE to support a theory of evolution BETWEEN different kinds.
Such evolution has NEVER been observed - there’s NO observational evidence of one kind evolving into ANOTHER kind:
For example - a dog never evolves into a cat.
This would need new information from new genes, which the animal doesn’t already have.
The New Scientist reported in January 2009: ‘The tree of life central to Darwinism … has been torn to pieces by genetic evidence’.
Just because different kinds of creatures have some features in common - it does NOT MEAN that one kind ‘evolved’ from another kind.
It just means that God re-used the same, efficient design features more than once - because they're the best way to do the job!
A supermarket trolley and a racing car both have four wheels:
Not because one evolved from the other.
But because that’s the best design for both of them to do their jobs.
27. What does the THEORY of evolution propose?
Chance mutations lead to different kinds of creatures.
The differences:
Better suited to the environment --> Prosper
Less suited to the environment --> Die out
But this THEORY has been DISPROVED by OBSERVATIONAL science.
Mutations NEVER turn one KIND of creature into another kind.
(Because mutations lose genetic information - they don’t create the new genetic information which would be needed.)
For example:
Huge numbers of fruit-flies have been irradiated - to deliberately cause mutations.
But all the fruit-flies stay as flies - they never turn into e.g. spiders or brand new creatures.
Mutations are nearly all harmful
The fruit-flies end up: blind, with legs in the wrong place etc.
Human mutations include: albinos, dwarves, hare-lips & Siamese-twins.
90% of mutations are lethal to the organisms experiencing them.
Believing that mutations turn one kind of creature into another, more advanced kind - is like believing that a typing mistake in an email turns it into a best-selling novel!
DNA is stable
If the mutation doesn’t kill the fruit-fly - after about 10 generations, its descendants return to normal, because the DNA:
Checks for errors.
Then self-corrects.
So DNA ACTIVELY STOPS new kinds of creatures from 'evolving'.
28. Some appalling consequences of the evolution THEORY
Belief in evolution fuels racism.
By its logical conclusion that some races are more advanced in their development than others.
For example:
A. Hitler
Believed that in evolutionary terms, the Aryan (= Germanic) races were the most advanced.
Wanted to: ‘Improve the purity of mankind’.
So he then murdered:
Millions of those he considered to be the ‘less advanced’ races.
Almost 300,000 disabled people.
B. Some Australian settlers thought that Aborigines were the ‘missing evolutionary link’ between apes & men.
So they treated the Aborigines as sub-humans.
C. Leads to some football fans making monkey noises towards players with black skins.
29. What do fossils tell us?
Darwin wrote :
(I've underlined the key words)
‘Why do we not find innumerable transitional forms embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?
Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated chain; and this, perhaps, is the most serious objection against my theory.’
NOT A SINGLE (let alone 'innumerable'), genuine, unambiguous fossil of one kind of creature mutating into another kind has EVER been found.
The typical process when someone claims they find a 'transitional fossil' is:
i. Claimed - much reported by the media.
ii. Disputed - ignored by the media.
iii. Overturned - ignored by the media.
Five experts from the world’s leading fossil museums were interviewed - not one could offer a single example of such a transitional fossil.
Why don’t the media publicise this crucial fact - that the vital evidence is MISSING?
If life DID evolve over time - we would expect old fossils to DIFFER from the same kind of creatures today.
Because they would have faced huge changes in: climate, diseases, predators etc.
But the observational evidence shows the opposite.
For example
A. Ants preserved in amber are supposedly millions of years old:
But they’re exactly the same as ants today.
There’s no evidence of evolution over time.
B. The fourth tooth of today's crocodiles sticks out like a fang:
Exactly the same as crocodile fossils supposedly 200 million years old.
There’s been no change - not even to a tooth!
Creatures were BURIED ALIVE during the flood, by VAST QUANTITIES of fast-moving, wet slurry:
d. Birds were buried last, at the highest level - because they could escape the flood for longest.
c. Land-dwelling creatures were buried further down.
b. Fish & other swimming creatures were buried second from bottom.
a. Creatures living on the seabed were buried first - at the lowest level.
So the vertical order in which fossils are found, does NOT show an ‘evolutionary sequence’.
It just shows:
Where the creatures were living, when the massive flood and its sediments instantly entombed them.
The order in which they were buried in quick succession: a then b then c then d.
30. How could plants evolve?
Seeds grow into plants - which then produce more seeds.
So which came first - the seed or the plant?
Both needed to work perfectly from day one!
Bees pollinate plants - without bees, the plants would die out.
Plants provide food (nectar) for bees - without plants, the bees would die out.
--> They both need each other, and both are perfectly shaped to transfer pollen & nectar.
So which came first - the plant or the bee?
The chances of both evolving perfectly in one generation:
at exactly the same time
in exactly the same location
… are mind-bogglingly small!
Amazingly - to avoid wasting the bees’ time:
Flowers emit weak electrical-signals, which change from negative to positive after a visit by a pollinating bee - the equivalent of a ‘sold out’ sign!
How clever is that?
Who do you think designed this feature to help the bees?
It has NO 'evolutionary advantage' for the plant.
Plants use energy from the sun, to convert:
Carbon dioxide + Water + Minerals
Bio-matter + Oxygen
... which then provide food and breathable air for life on earth
Scientists still only understand a small fraction of how this incredibly clever & vital process - photosynthesis - actually works!
So how likely is it that photosynthesis ‘just started on its own by chance’?
It needed to work 100% perfectly first time - otherwise it would have been useless.
Plants and animals are MUTUALLY DEPENDENT
Plants grow by:
Taking-in carbon dioxide.
Giving-out oxygen.
Animals grow by:
Taking-in oxygen.
Giving-out carbon dioxide.
Our earth is a perfectly designed, self-contained system!
31. How could butterflies evolve?
Their lifecycle is: egg --> caterpillar --> pupa --> butterfly --> lays eggs
ALL these stages had to work together PERFECTLY from the START.
In the pupa stage, enzymes dissolve most of the tissue - leaving only the:
Part of the respiratory system.
Some small volumes of tissue, which then grow into all the other organs of the adult butterfly.
Metamorphosis (= transformation) from a CATERPILLAR into a BUTTERFLY can only be described as a MIRACLE.
The chances of it ‘just happening’ are infinitesimally small!
32. How could spiders evolve?
A spider’s web is amazingly well designed & created - without it, the spider couldn’t catch enough food and would starve.
The silk in a spider’s web:
Is 20 times stronger than steel of the same diameter.
Can stretch up to 50% of its length, without breaking.
Mankind CAN'T make spiders' silk artificially - even with all our resources and advanced laboratories.
So how can the spider have developed this amazing ability by chance?
33. How could bats evolve?
Bats use a complex sonar system to:
Home-in on small, evading food targets.
This system distinguishes between two objects separated only by the width of a pencil-line.
Much more accurate than any man-made sonar.
When bats hunt in a large flock / swarm - they each alter their call in a highly sophisticated way, to distinguish their returning echo from that of other bats.
The bat sonar system had to be created in complete working-order from day one.
Otherwise it would be useless, and the bat would crash or starve!
34. Three completely different kinds of creature can fly
For the theory of evolution to be true - ‘nature’ must have evolved the COMPLEX mechanism of powered-flight on THREE, COMPLETELY SEPARATE occasions.
If it’s that easy - why hasn't mankind (with our much higher intelligence) been able to evolve our bodies, so that we can fly?
35. How could evolution produce birds which fly?
In order to fly
Their incredibly intricate feathers, powerful flight muscles & wings - all had to work together perfectly.
Until then - the ‘mutation stump’ which supposedly was the start of an evolving wing would have been useless!
Birds with this useless stump would have been ‘selected against’.
Baby birds use their tiny brains to navigate across the ocean, with incredible accuracy.
We can only navigate that precisely using Satnav - a recent invention.
But Satnav needs:
Complex satellites.
Rockets to launch them.
Ground communication / tracking stations.
Advanced mathematical calculations.
All developed by teams of intelligent scientists.
So how did birds develop their MUCH BETTER navigation system ‘by chance’?
The young Pacific Golden Plover
Fly on their own from Alaska to Hawaii.
How do they know which way to fly? The adult birds leave earlier - so the young birds can’t just follow them.
How do they find Hawaii? It’s 3,000 miles away, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!
Further reading
Job 39:26
36. Birds did not evolve from reptiles
That would need the following four changes to happen by chance, simultaneously:
A. COLD-BLOODED reptiles to change into WARM-BLOODED birds
How? It’s impossible!
The creature would die during the changeover.
B. A mechanism to OIL their feathers
Feathers need oiling - just like any moving joint - otherwise they quickly wear-out.
So birds rotate their heads through180 degrees, pick oil from a gland at the base of their spine, and then spread it on their feathers.
All of this needed to work perfectly, first time!
Reptiles can’t do any of this.
C. The SOLID & HEAVY BONES of a reptile to change into the HOLLOW & LIGHT BONES of most birds
It couldn’t fly until it had the lighter bones (it would be too heavy).
But why change to lighter bones before it could fly? The lighter & weaker bones would be a disadvantage.
D. Develop very powerful FLIGHT MUSCLES
Amazingly, these muscles run over the bird’s shoulder and operate as a pulley.
A pulley system does not just happen by chance - it needs to be designed & built!
37. A few other creatures
The embryo crawls out of its mother’s womb into a pouch - where it fully develops.
What happened to baby kangaroos during the thousands of years while the pouch supposedly 'evolved'?
Venomous creatures such as snakes & jellyfish
Their intricate venom system had to work perfectly from day one.
Otherwise they’d accidentally kill themselves!
Drown their prey:
Q - Why don’t crocodiles drown, while they’re holding their prey underwater in their open jaws?
A - They have a flap at the back of their mouth, to keep water out of their throats.
This flap had to be completely watertight from day one - otherwise the crocodile would drown.
But while this flap was supposedly evolving, it would have been useless - so it would have been selected against.
Q - Why do border & police forces still use ‘sniffer dogs’ to detect: drugs, explosives etc.?
A - Because no-one has been able to design & build a mechanical sniffing device, which comes anywhere near the sensitivity of a dog’s nose & brain.
If man can’t design & build such a feature in an advanced laboratory - how can the dog’s amazing smell system have evolved by chance in the wild?
The SPECULATIVE THEORY of evolution just doesn’t make sense!
38. The human body is incredibly well-designed
Psalm 119:73 ~ Thy (= God's) hands have made me and fashioned me …
Proverbs 20:12 ~ The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.
Further reading
Psalm 94:9, 139:14, 149:2
Ecclesiastes 11:5
Eyesight (= what happens in our eye) & Vision (= how we understand what we see)
The lens in our eye bends & focusses light --> onto light-sensitive cells at the back of our eye.
These light-sensitive cells then transmit information to our brains in an understandable way.
All the components needed to work together from the start - individually they’re useless.
So how can our eyesight & vision have evolved gradually, via a series of small mutations?
Speech & language
How can speech / language have evolved via a chance mutation in one person?
We need fine muscle-control to make the right sounds.
This would be useless - unless someone else also somehow 'evolved' the identical ability to understand & respond at exactly the same:
Digestive system
Converts food to energy.
How did that start?
Where did the energy needed for life come from, before the digestive system 'evolved'?
Q - Why do we blush?
No other living creatures blush.
It goes against ‘survival of the fittest’.
A - Because God designed blushing: to show our guilt!
Blood clotting
Involves a complicated chemical process.
Unless the system worked perfectly from the start - one accidental cut would lead to certain death!
Apes' feet have many features which make them perfect for grasping tree branches - but very poor at walking / running upright for long distances.
Human feet have many features which make them perfect for walking / running upright - but very poor at grasping tree branches.
So if apes evolved into humans, they would have needed to go through an intermediate part-ape / part-human stage.
(Plus simultaneous changes to the: brain, pelvis, hip joint, knee joint, leg length & vertebral column)
... with feet which were useless both for climbing trees
... and also useless for walking / running long distances.
Such a clumsy hybrid-creature would quickly be eliminated!
What made a single-sex creature evolve into male & female?
The ability to have children is amazing.
Everything needed to work perfectly, first-time:
Egg & sperm both contain exactly the right genetic information. Why & how could they have 'evolved'?
The process of joining together - to create a new person.
The embryo’s growth in the womb. Scientists cannot explain the complex programming which enables a single cell to develop into our many different body parts.
The process of giving birth - for example:
The mother's contractions happening - at just the right time.
The baby taking his / her first breath of oxygen - immediately after birth.
The immediate reconfiguration of the baby’s blood system - from using the mother’s placenta, to having its own autonomous circulation.
It’s clear that ONLY GOD could have made our bodies work in such an amazing way.
George Gallup - the famous statistician - said:
“I could prove God statistically; take the human body alone; the chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen, is a statistical monstrosity.”
We’re NOT just a collection of chemicals brought together randomly!
39. Physical laws
When Sir Isaac Newton studied the Old Testament - he discovered that God is a God of law.
So he correctly deduced that God would have created the universe to be governed by physical laws.
This belief in God led Newton to discover the laws of gravity & motion.
Thus he became known as ‘The father of modern science’.
40. Most fields of science were founded by Christians
In alphabetical order
(all were Christian)
- and what they discovered or pioneered
Robert Boyle - Boyle’s law (gas volume inversely proportional to pressure); ‘The first modern chemist’.
Leonhard Euler - Many advanced mathematical concepts in use today.
Michael Faraday - Electromagnetic induction & electrolysis.
Ambrose Fleming - Thermionic valve / vacuum tube; radio transmission.
Lord Kelvin - 1st & 2nd laws of thermodynamics; electric telegraph.
Johannes Kepler - Laws of planetary motion.
James Clerk Maxwell - Relationships between: electricity, magnetism & light.
Isaac Newton - Laws of gravity & motion; make-up of white light; reflecting telescope; calculus (Leibniz also developed calculus in Germany).
Blaise Pascal - Hydraulics; mechanical calculator.
Louis Pasteur - Microbiology: pasteurisation; vaccinations.
James Young Simpson - Chloroform / anaesthetics.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - Microbiology.
Some quotes from these scientists
Lord Kelvin - “If you think strongly enough, you will be forced by science to believe in God.”
Johannes Kepler - spoke of science as “Thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”
Isaac Newton -
“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being, this Being governing all things … as Lord God.”
Louis Pasteur - “Science brings man closer to God.”
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - microscopic life "... glorifies the Lord and Creator of the Universe."
41. Our soul
AI & the most powerful computer in the world do not have:
If we’re just a collection of chemicals & electric currents - why should anyone:
Want to live?
Grieve the death of those they love?
Fear their own death?
... which most people do.
42. To find out more
There are some excellent Creation ministries & resources, including:
Creation Science Movement -
Creation Ministries International -
Answers in Genesis -
43. Conclusion
Secular minds cannot provide answers to critical questions about the:
… of our lives and the earth.
Observational science is vital.
But in contrast, evolution is just a SPECULATIVE THEORY - which has never been observed nor proved.
Believing in evolution is like thinking that if we wait long enough, a chair will somehow turn into an elephant - it’s that ridiculous!
Jesus, John, Paul & many pioneering scientists all believed in creation.
We too can confidently believe and trust the WHOLE BIBLE!